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New Functionality – Price Books

iMetal New Functionality – Price Books

iMetal already provides functionality for defaulting standard prices into sales enquiries and sales orders.  However, these are static prices that do not reflect the customer or the quantity required.


By targeting prices based on clients, order/enquiry quantities by products companies can guide a sales team or persons to maximise margins or protect stock that has become scarce.

Module Price Book – What does it do for me?

iMetal already provides certain methods for defaulting standard prices into sales enquiries and sales orders.  However, these are static prices that do not reflect the customer or the quantity required.

The price book enhancement in iMetal now allows users to maintain tables that can determine the selling price on items. These tables can be set up by customer, by products and quantities to allow a very flexible configuration with minimum effort.

Key features include Price Book Maintenance, allowing price books to be maintained for specific customers or as more general prices

Functionality includes: 

  • Automatic pricing on sales enquiries and sales orders based on the price book
  • Program will find the closest matching price book entry based on the information available
  • The pricing level and required quantity will then be used to calculate a price for the item
  • The pricing level will be determined by the customer, and will effectively provide up to ten different starting points for the price
  • The quantity will be compared to a ‘quantity break’ table, allowing users to define discounts and/or higher prices depending upon the quantity required
  • Automatic update to set update price book entries to a ‘next price’ when a ‘next price date’ is reached

Price book entries can be at different levels:

      • Product
      • Product and Dimensions
      • Category
      • Category and Dimensions
      • Part Specification

Also each entry can specify its own Starting Price or the source of the initial cost:

      • e.g. Product Standard, Product Average, etc
      • Also an option for using the cost source defined on the sold product

Clients who have implemented this functionality have seen improvements in margins of small quantities, protected stock sell outs and development of a profit focused culture in the sales team.

If this module is of interest contact the customer services team or your account manager


Built by JMB Creative

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